Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Audio Book : Apply this Law, then You Get More Success

This principle law is very important in our life, our business, our college. I Have applied this law in my life, my business, my online business, my college when i still young, hehe..
You apply this law with Parkinson Law, You get more more success! Guarantee!
You can also find more motivation and inspiration in

NEW!! Audio Book "Ilmu Kefefet"

Great Audio Book about How to get maximal when you have minimal. Wow... You ever apply this "ilmu kefefet" but some people dont realize that this "ilmu kefefet" can be apply in our life, our busines..
Warning : Dont use "ilmu kefefet" to do business that make unfortune to people
Here is the Link download :
This "ilmu" can be applied in college but not in online college, in business but not in online business, because it is offline knowledge.
This link also provide in the father's blog (hehe) in Find motivation and inspiration article in
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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Online Course, one of alternative education

Nowadays, we can learn everywhere, offline or online. In the Internet era, support by Internet technology, there are plenty of online college, online school, or online courses. There are informal college or informal study. But there are also formal online college, where we can study and learn at home, get the modul online. These online college also provide degree and diploma. Some provide phd or MBA degree. But off course, we are graduated and get our degree by online graduation too. Not to meet each other. There are alot of major to choice. We can learn management, business, internet, physicology, etc.
This online college or online university also sometimes give free ebooks.